Agreed-upon procedures (AUP) engagements drive the creation of significant value for businesses and organisations. AUP engagements provide credible information and insights to the management that will enable it to make optimal data-driven decisions. Therefore, uncertainty is significantly reduced or eliminated in the decision-making process.
AUP engagements are flexible and can be tailored according to the needs and requirements of the client. The engagements focus on individual items of financial and non-financial subject matters. The AUP are agreed up-front with clients.
AUP engagements are conducted in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services 4400 (Revised) – Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements as well as best practices relating to the field of work.
Examples of areas in which AUP engagements are used
Below are a few examples that demonstrates how AUP engagements are used:
- Conduct due diligence when buying, selling or merging a business or part thereof,
- Request a specialist report as part of due diligence on an acquisition,
- Evaluate internal controls over financial reporting or corporate governance requirements,
- Trace the use of grant funding provided by Government, NGO’s or other charity organizations to determine whether its use is in accordance with the conditions of the grant,
- Analyse a sales forecast for an investor who is considering to buy a significant stake in a business,
- Review and re-calculate greenhouse gas emissions,
- Investigate the recoverability of accounts receivables for a funding application,
- Review royalty payments against the relevant royalty agreements,
- Review and recalculate the financial covenants of an entity to ensure that it is in line with loan agreement covenants, as requested by a lender,
- Request for a specific report by a lender when the annual financial statements of a borrower was not audited in terms of the audit exemption threshold.
A report is ultimately issued that outlines the subject matters investigated, agreed-upon procedures carried out and the findings.
AUP engagements create significant benefits for all types of entities.
About our company
Our company, Bethanie Management Consulting CC, has the expertise, experience and capabilities to carry out agreed-upon procedures engagements and special investigations for SME’s, large businesses and organisations. We also compile and prepare reliable management information and data insights that assist businesses and SME’s to leverage effective and efficient decision-making and develop and implement appropriate action plans.
For more information on how we can help you to up your game, please visit our blog at www.bethanieconsulting.co.za/blog
You may download our business profile by clicking here.
Contact us
Please call us at 011 042 9768 or 072 296 1281 (Virgil). Or chat to us on WhatsApp. You can also email us at virgil@bethanieconsulting.co.za. Or you may contact us by completing our online form for a call back.